Gardening is not only a leisure activity it gives you the necessary stretching and unwinding needed in this hectic life and as experienced landscape contractors we know this for a fact. It gives you joy and is mind refreshing. All you need is to give it is some time and patience.
Caring for your garden is of utmost importance if you want your garden to thrive and stay healthy. A well-maintained garden taken care of properly will reward you with exotic flowers and fruits. Grown in your own backyard what could be healthier!
Plants in the garden may be affected in the rainy season, they are prone to catch infections. Let it not worry you, with a few basic pointers we can show you how to care for your garden during the monsoon.
Check your garden:
Do a thorough checking if you have heavy wind or rain storm to see if any unnecessary garbage has been carried over. Check for broken twigs and signs for any other disease on the plants.
Add necessary support:
If you have young plants growing in your garden, they might get blown over by strong winds. Hence provide them with the necessary support. Add a wooden stick and tie the plants to them to keep them steady.
Soil Erosion:
Landscape contractors in Chennai or any other place know how soil erosion can cause damage to your plants but not the common man, here is our suggestion. Rainwater can drain away the soil by erosion and cause the roots of the plants to be exposed. This can lead to the hampering of the growth of the plants. Create a barrier of soil around the plants to prevent this from happening.
Water logging:
Excessive water from the rains may damage your plants even though a sprinkle of rain may be helpful. Make sure you have a well-drained area especially when potted plants are kept.
Rain can cause the nutrients to be washed away from the soil. So you can go ahead and fertilize your plants during monsoon. Use slow releasing manures that can release nutrients over a period of time to keep your plants healthy.
Damaged and broken twigs of the plants must be immediately pruned. Excessive and unchecked growth in the plants must also be pruned is our recommendation as landscape contractors.
An increase in humidity can cause the insects to take shelter in the warmth of the leaves. This can quickly lead to an increase in insect population as they breed profusely. Some of the insects can be removed manually if that doesn’t help use a good pesticide. Use them judiciously to prevent them from polluting the plants as well as environment. Contrary to popular belief insecticides are necessary and cannot be expended with.
Expert Opinion
Follow the above points. If that doesn’t help it as a final solution you can call an expert if you are not sure how to proceed. We at Green Cover Landscape have plenty of experience and can provide you with helpful insights on how to manage your garden during monsoon.
To sum up check for support, soil erosion, water logging, fertilizers, pruning and pests during monsoon. If left unchecked they can seriously damage your plants and we know this as landscape contractors in Chennai.